Xurrent Help

Account Settings

The Account Settings page is used by the account administrator who acts as the account owner, to update the name of the account and to set the currency in which all the account’s financial information is to be entered and presented. Here, it can also be controlled which Xurrent capabilities are to be used, amongst other account wide settings.

Strong privacy

In an account for which the ‘Strong privacy’ option is enabled, access of the account’s specialists is restricted to requests, problems, tasks, and project tasks that are assigned to their team. An approver for an approval task has visibility of the entire workflow. A person with the Project Manager role can see only those projects that person is the manager of. People who are mentioned in a project task have visibility of the entire project.

When a request with an internal note of a strong-privacy account is assigned to another account that has ‘Strong privacy’ disabled, then all specialists of that account can see the request, but they are not able to see the internal note, even if that account has the same directory account as the strong-privacy account.

Internal notes and internal UI extension fields are visible in other support domains

When enabled, specialists of other support domains that are part of the same directory structure will be able to see the internal notes and the internal UI extensions that are created within this support domain.

End user privacy

Users related to an account for which the ‘End user privacy’ option is enabled cannot have roles. End user-privacy accounts are limited to end users. Typically, end user-privacy accounts are used for governmental, retail, and educational organizations to register citizens, consumers, and students. These people cannot mention others or be mentioned. They can also not register requests on behalf of others, nor can requests be registered on behalf of them. They cannot be key contacts or customer representatives. Reservations are private. In no way is a person from an end user-privacy account able to see another person from that account or descendants.

Prefer internal notes

When this setting is enabled and a specialist creates a note in a request, the note will be internal by default. To create a public note, the specialist must follow the link ‘Add public note…’. This setting is enabled by default when the setting for ‘Strong privacy’ is enabled, but it may be disabled subsequently.

External end users may mention others

When this setting is enabled, people from an external organization who are using Xurrent Self service may mention other people in notes using the @mention feature. This setting will allow external end users to see other users.

Case management

This setting dides fields and options on request, task, and workflow forms that are particular for IT organizations. A request is a Case by default, not an RFC, RFI or Incident. When this setting is enabled, the Impact field is hidden, and a completion reason does not need to be given when a request is completed. When for a task template the category Implementation is selected, the Impact field is set to ‘None’ and hidden. On tasks and workflows, the Impact field is always hidden.


Allows specialists of the account to define and use agile boards, product backlogs, and Scrum workspaces. The Xurrent platform gives the possibility to define sprints, start these sprints from the agile board and link the items included in the scope to the sprint.

Problem management

Makes the Problem Manager role available. Problem managers identify and manage the causes of incidents on a service. Once a problem has been identified, the request can be added to an existing problem, or a new problem can be opened. Opening a new problem from a request automatically fills out the necessary information in the new problem, such as the manager, subject, service, impact and configuration items.

Release management

Makes the Release Manager role available. A release manager can combine changes into releases to coordinate their planning and monitor their progress. This can be helpful whenever multiple changes are needed to realize a common objective, especially when they need to be implemented by different teams and will affect several services.

Risk management

When this setting is enabled, risks can be registered in Xurrent as soon as they has been identified. Each risk can be related to the projects, services and/or organizations that could be affected by it. Together, the risks form the organization’s risk registry.

Configuration management

Allows configuration items to be linked to request templates, requests, problems, task templates, and tasks. When unchecked, it is still possible to relate reservations to configuration items.

Default organization

A person must be part of one and only one organization. Person records that are created automatically are related to the default organization, as defined in the Account settings. This organization must have the setting ‘End user privacy’ enabled. People in such an organization are organized together, but cannot ‘see’ eachother in Xurrent.

Support URL

This field makes it possible for support organizations to provide another means of contacting them when someone is not able to access Xurrent to submit a request. It is important to point it to the correct URL, even if this field is not required.


This is the default currency used when price values are entered. All reports are shown in this currency.


This is the default language in which the user interface and any translated terms in the ‘Translations’ section of the Settings console are displayed. Each person is able to set their own language, so they can use Xurrent in their preferred language. The Service Desk console shows the data in the language of the Requested For. This enables the service desk analyst to communicate with requesters in their own language.

Time zone

Defines the default time zone for this account. Users can select their local time zone in their profile, ensuring that they see all dates and times (such as resolution targets) in the selected time zone. Changing the time zone of the account affects the account’s reports. It only affects data going forward, and is not applied retroactively. Users may notice a flat spot or a spike in the reports around the time that the time zone setting was updated. This is caused by a time shift forwards or backwards. In addition, until the Xurrent servers have processed the update, the report data may refer to the old time zone for a short period after changing the account’s time zone.

Time format

This is the default format for displaying time values. Each person is able to set their own time format preference.

Start of week

This is typically Sunday or Monday. The start of the week is used as the first day of the week when determining whether someone’s weekly time registration goal has been exceeded.

Account owner

This is the person who is responsible for this account. Any account administrator registered in this account can become the account owner.