Xurrent Help


The Xurrent service automatically sends out email notifications to ensure that people are notified of updates in Xurrent that are important to them.

To ensure that spam filters know that Xurrent’s mail servers are authorized to send email on behalf of your organization, it is important to update the SPF record of your organization’s internet domain. Go to Sender Policy Framework Record for details.

An email template is used for each of the different notifications that Xurrent generates. These templates can be customized and translated as needed. Their styling can be defined in an email design.

The email templates that can be activated are listed below.

New User

This email is sent to a user when he/she has been given access to Xurrent. A link with which the user can set a password is included in the body of this email so that the user knows how to log in.

This email is sent in the following scenarios:

  • After a new Person record has been registered with one or more roles.
  • After an existing Person record that did not have any roles has been given one or more roles.

Password Changed

This email is sent to a user any time his or her password has been changed.

Primary Email Changed

A user receives this email at his or her previous and new primary email address any time it has been changed.

Access Blocked

A user receives this email after someone has attempted to use his or her email address to log in to Xurrent and caused too many consecutive login failures.

Get Access

After an email address has been submitted using the Get Access option, an email is sent to the person whose primary email matches the email address submitted. The ‘set password link’ is included in the body of this email so that the user can set his or her password.

Email Rejected to Create Request

This email is returned after an inbound email is received and is rejected for processing because the account does not allow inbound email to create requests.

Email Rejected

This email is returned after an inbound email is received from an unknown sender and is rejected for processing.

Email Verification

This email is sent when a user is required to verify his or her email address.

Email Verified

This email is sent when a user has successfully verified his or her email address.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication

This email is sent when a user wants to enable two-factor authentication.

Enabled Two-Factor Authentication

This email is sent when a user enabled two-factor authentication.

Disabled Two-Factor Authentication

This email is sent when a user disables two-factor authentication.

Two-Factor Authentication Recovery Code Used

This email is sent when a user logs in using a two-factor recovery code.

Application Access Authorized

A person receives this email when he or she authorizes an application to use his or her Xurrent access.

Application Access Revoked

A person receives this email when he or she revokes the authorization of an application to use his or her Xurrent access.

New Request

This email is sent to the person who submitted a new request. This email is not sent when the status of the new request is “Waiting for Customer” or “Completed”.

New Request for Someone Else

This email is sent to the person on behalf of whom a new request has been submitted. This email is not sent when the person who submitted the request is the same as the person for whom it was submitted. This email also does not get sent when the status of the new request is “Waiting for Customer” or “Completed”.

Request Set to Waiting for Customer

This email is sent to the person who submitted the request when the status of a request is set to “Waiting for Customer”. This email does not get sent to the person on behalf of whom the request was submitted.

Desired Completion Set for Request

This email is sent to the person who submitted the request when the desired completion of the request is set, updated or emptied. This email does not get sent to the person on behalf of whom the request was submitted.

Request Set to Completed

This email is sent to the requester when the status of a request is set to “Completed” or when a note is added to a completed request. If the request was submitted on behalf of someone else, then this person also receives the email.

Request Assigned to Team

A team coordinator receives this email when a request, which Member field is empty, is assigned to his/her team. This email is sent to each member of the team, if the team does not have a coordinator.

Request Assigned to Member

A person receives this email when a request is assigned to him or her.

Request Assignment Changed

A person receives this email when the assignment of a request, which was assigned to him or her, has changed.

Note Added to Request

This email is sent to the assignee when a note is added by someone other than the person to whom the request is assigned.

Person Mentioned in Note of Request

This email is sent to a person who is mentioned in a note added to a request.

Requester Dissatisfied

This email is sent to each member, as well as the manager, of the service desk team when the requester indicates that he or she is dissatisfied with the manner in which the request has been handled.

Major Incident Status Changed

This email is sent to the major incident managers when the major incident status of a request has changed.

Problem Manager Changed

This email is sent to the previous manager and the new manager after a problem has been given to a new manager.

Problem Assigned to Team

A team coordinator receives this email when a problem, which Member field is empty, is assigned to his/her team. This email is sent to each member of the team, if the team does not have a coordinator.

Problem Assigned to Member

A person receives this email when a problem is assigned to him or her.

Problem Assignment Changed

A person receives this email when the assignment of a problem, which was assignment to him or her, has changed.

Problem Set to Solved

This email is sent to the manager of a problem after it has been set to the status “Solved” because it is linked to a workflow that was successfully completed.

Note Added to Problem

This email is sent to the assignee when a note is added by someone other than the person to whom the problem is assigned.

Person Mentioned in Note of Problem

This email is sent to a person who is mentioned in a note added to a problem.

Workflow Added to Release

The manager of a release receives this email after a workflow is added to one of his or her releases by someone else.

Workflow Removed from Release

The manager of a release receives this email after a workflow is removed from one of his or her releases by someone else.

Release Set to Progress Halted

The manager of a release receives this email after the status of one of his or her releases has been set to “Progress Halted” by someone else.

Release Manager Changed

This email is sent to the previous manager and the new manager after a release has been given to a new manager.

Note Added to Release

This email is sent to the manager when a note is added to a release by someone other than its manager.

Person Mentioned in Note of Release

This email is sent to a person who is mentioned in a note added to a release.

New Workflow

This email is sent to the manager when a new workflow is created by someone other than its manager.

Workflow Set to Progress Halted

The manager of a workflow receives this email after the status of one of his or her workflows has been set to “Progress Halted” by someone else.

Workflow Manager Changed

This email is sent to the previous manager and the new manager after a workflow has been given to a new manager.

Note Added to Workflow

This email is sent to the manager when a note is added to a workflow by someone other than its manager.

Person Mentioned in Note of Workflow

This email is sent to a person who is mentioned in a note added to a workflow.

Task Assigned to Team

A team coordinator receives this email when a task, which Member field is empty, is assigned to his/her team. This email is sent to each member of the team, if the team does not have a coordinator.

Task Assigned to Member

A person receives this email when a task is assigned to him or her.

Task Assigned to Approver

A person receives this email when an approval task is assigned to him or her.

Task Assignment Changed

A person receives this email when the assignment of a task, which was assignment to him or her, has changed.

Note Added to Task

This email is sent to the assignee when a note is added by someone other than the person to whom the task is assigned.

Person Mentioned in Note of Task

This email is sent to a person who is mentioned in a note added to a task.

New Project

This email is sent to the manager when a new project is created by someone other than its manager.

Project Set to Progress Halted

This email is sent to the manager of a project after it has been set to the status “Progress Halted” by someone else.

Project Manager Changed

This email is sent to the previous manager and the new manager after a project has been given to a new manager.

Note Added to Project

This email is sent to the manager when a note is added to a project by someone other than its manager.

Person Mentioned in Note of Project

This email is sent to a person who is mentioned in a note added to a project.

Project Task Assigned to Team

A team coordinator receives this email when a project task without assignees is assigned to his/her team. This email is sent to each member of the team, if the team does not have a coordinator.

Project Task Assignment

A person receives this email when a project task is assigned to him or her.

Project Task Approver Assignment

A person receives this email when an project approval task is assigned to him or her.

Project Task Assignment Changed

A person receives this email when the assignment of a task, which was assigned to him or her, has changed.

Note Added to Project Task

This email is sent to the assignee when a note is added by someone other than the person to whom the task is assigned.

Person Mentioned in Note of Project Task

This email is sent to a person who is mentioned in a note added to a project task.

Milestone Reached

This email is sent to the manager of a project after a milestone has been reached within the deadline.

Milestone Missed

This email is sent to the manager of a project after the deadline of a milestone has been missed.

New Risk

This email is sent to the manager when a new risk is created by someone other than its manager.

Risk Manager Changed

This email is sent to the previous manager and the new manager after a risk has been given to a new manager.

Note Added to Risk

This email is sent to the manager when a note is added to a risk by someone other than its manager.

Person Mentioned in Note of Risk

This email is sent to a person who is mentioned in a note added to a risk.

SLA Set to Active

The service level manager and the customer representative of an SLA receive this email when an SLA is activated.

SLA Set to Expired

The service level manager and the customer representative of an SLA receive this email after an SLA has expired.

First Line Support Agreement Set to Active

The service desk manager and the customer representative of a first line support agreement (FLSA) receive this email when an FLSA is activated.

First Line Support Agreement Set to Expired

The service desk manager and the customer representative of a first line support agreement (FLSA) receive this email after an FLSA has expired.

Contract Set to Active

The customer representative of a contract receives this email when a contract is activated.

Contract Set to Expired

The customer representative of a contract receives this email after a contract has expired.

Upcoming Notice Date for Agreement

The customer representative of a SLA, FLSA or contract receives this email when the notice date is near. The email is sent out 28 days, 7 days, 3 days and 1 day before the notice date.

Upcoming Expiry Date for Agreement

The customer representative (in case of an SLA, FLSA or contract) and the service level manager (in case of an SLA) and the service desk manager (in case of an FLSA) receive this email when the expiry date is near. The email is sent out 28 days, 7 days, 3 days and 1 day before the expiry date.

Upcoming Expiry Date for License Certificate

The configuration manager of the support team of a temporary license certificate configuration item receives this email when the license expiry date is near. If a configuration manager has not been specified for the support team, this email is sent to all members of the support team who have the Configuration Manager role of the account in which the support team is registered. The email is sent out 28 days, 7 days, 3 days and 1 day before the expiry date.

Personal Access Token Created

A person receives this email when he or she creates a new personal access token.

Token Added to Personal Access Token

A person receives this email when he or she adds a token to one of his or her personal access tokens.

Token Enabled for Personal Access Token

A person receives this email when he or she enables a token for one of his or her personal access tokens.

Token Disabled for Personal Access Token

A person receives this email when he or she disables a token for one of his or her personal access tokens.

Token Deleted from Personal Access Token

A person receives this email when he or she deletes a token from one of his or her personal access tokens.

Application Created

This email is sent to all administrators of this Xurrent account when a new application is created.

Token Added to Application

This email is sent to all administrators of this Xurrent account when a token is added to an application.

Token Enabled for Application

This email is sent to all administrators of this Xurrent account when a token is enabled for an application.

Token Disabled for Application

This email is sent to all administrators of this Xurrent account when a token is disabled for an application.

Token Deleted from Application

This email is sent to all administrators of this Xurrent account when a token is deleted from an application.

Past Week Incomplete

This email is sent out following the end of each week to people who belong to an organization with timesheet settings and whose time entries for the past week do not yet total 100% of their organization’s workweek.

Watchlist Item Updated

This email is sent when a record on the watchlist is updated.

Mass Updated Finished

This email is sent after records have been mass updated.

PDF Created

After a printable PDF document has been generated, this email is sent to the person who caused it to be created.

Reservation Confirmed

This email is sent to the requester when one of his or her reservations is confirmed.

Reservation Changed

This email is sent to the requester when one of his or her reservations was changed.

Reservation Canceled

This email is sent to the requester when one of his or her reservations was canceled.

App Installed

This email is sent to all administrators of this Xurrent account when a Xurrent App is installed.

App Disabled

This email is sent to all administrators of this Xurrent account when a Xurrent App is disabled.

App Enabled

This email is sent to all administrators of this Xurrent account when a Xurrent App is enabled.

App Modified

This email is sent to all administrators of this Xurrent account when a Xurrent App is modified.

App Removed

This email is sent to all administrators of this Xurrent account when a Xurrent App is removed.