Xurrent Help


The Xurrent toolbars are the horizontal and vertical areas that you see at the top and left of the browser window when you are logged in to the Xurrent service. Depending on the console that you are in, the record that you have selected, and the roles that are related to your Person record, the available options on the toolbars may vary. The toolbars can contain the following elements:

> Vertical Toolbar

Console Icons

Console icons

The console icons are presented under the hamburger menu icon (three lines) on the leftmost side of the screen. Pressing the hamburger icon can hide or unhide this menu. A small glowing indicator and a blue line are displayed behind and next to the icon of the console in which you are currently working. To switch to another console, simply click on its icon. The following five consoles are available in the Xurrent service:

> Horizontal Toolbar

Search Box

Search box

The Search box is available to the right of the Xurrent logo. Text can be entered in the Search box to further filter the records listed in the view that is currently displayed. Press the Enter key after entering one or more keywords in the Search box to execute a full search across all records. Go to Filter & Search to learn more about filtering in views and searching for records.

Add, Edit & Save Buttons

Add and Edit buttons

Depending on the access rights that you have to the selected record, the Add and/or Edit button may be available. Use them to register a new record or to update an existing one.

Add and Save buttons

When you are registering a new record, or editing an existing record, the Edit button becomes the Save button.

Decline, Accept, Start, Forward, and Complete Buttons

Decline Accept Start Forward buttons

When you are in the Inbox or Records console and have selected an assignment (i.e. request, problem or task) that is assigned to your team or to you specifically, then the Decline button is available. This button allows you to indicate that the assignment had better be assigned to another team (if you are acting as the coordinator for the current assignment team) or to another member of the team.

By clicking on the Decline button, the status of the assignment is set to “Declined”. Declined problems and tasks are returned to the manager of the problem or workflow. Declined requests are returned to the coordinator of the current assignment team. However, if the assignee was the team’s coordinator, or if the Member field was empty, then the request is returned to the team that it was assigned to previously. If the request was not assigned to another team previously, then it is returned to the responsible service desk team.

By clicking on the Accept button, the status of the assignment is set to “Accepted” and you are selected in the Member field, if you were not already. By accepting an assignment, you indicate that you have seen it and that you will start to work on it as soon as you have completed the work that needs to be done first.

Similarly, clicking on the Start button causes the status of the assignment to be set to “In Progress”. This also causes you to be selected in the Member field if this field was empty.

The Forward button is used to reassign an assignment to another member of the team or to another team. A new request that has not been forwarded to another account and is not related to other records can be transfered to the first line support team of another support domain account of the same directory account.

Finally, the Complete button is used to quickly complete one or multiple assignments. If a single assignment is selected, the Status (and if available the Completion reason) are prefilled and the focus is on the first required field. If multiple assignments of the same type are selected, a short form is displayed to capture only the essential information, like the Completion reason and a Note.

Approve & Reject Buttons

Approve Reject buttons

When an approval task is opened in the Inbox or Records console, clicking on the Approve button causes the status of the task to be set to “Approved”. When the Reject button is pressed, the user is asked to specify why an approval could not be provided, after which the status of the task is set to “Rejected”.

Agile Board Button

Agile Board button

When an assignment has been placed on an agile board, the Agile Board button can be pressed to open this agile board.

Provide Feedback Button

Provide Feedback button

Press the Provide Feedback button to register an RFC to update the selected knowledge article based on feedback given in the request’s note field.

Reviewed Button

Reviewed button

The Reviewed button is visible in the Records console when you are a problem manager. It will be active only when the selected request is related to a service instance of a service for which you act as the problem manager. Additionally, the selected request should already be completed with a completion reason other than “Solved” and should not already be related to a problem or workflow.

Clicking on the Reviewed button will cause the checkbox on the button to be checked. Clicking on the button again will cause it be unchecked. Reviewed requests are not listed in the “Requests for Problem Identification” view of the Records console.

Addressed Button

Reviewed button

The Addressed button is visible on the toolbar when the “Requests with Dissatisfied Requester” view is selected in the Records console, provided that you have the Service Desk Manager role of the selected account.

When the New button above the view is depressed, the view will only contain requests which checkbox on the Addressed toolbar button is empty. Clicking on the Addressed toolbar button will cause the box on the button to become checked and the selected request to be moved to the list of ‘addressed’ requests with a dissatisfied requester. Clicking on the Addressed toolbar button once more will cause the box on the button to become empty again and the request to be returned to the list of ‘new’ requests with a dissatisfied requester.

Gantt Chart Button

Gantt Chart button

The Gantt Chart button is available in the toolbar when a project is open in View or Edit mode. Pressing this button causes the project’s Gantt chart to be opened.

Watchlist Button

Watchlist button

The Watchlist button can be used to add a request, problem, release, workflow, workflow task, project or project task to your watchlist. An item can be added to your watchlist by clicking this button and selecting ‘Start watching’. It can be removed from your watchlist by pressing the Watchlist button once more and selecting ‘Stop watching’. When other people from your account structure are also watching this record, the number of watchers is displayed on the button and these people are displayed in a list. You can also add colleagues to a request’s watchlist. They will then receive notifications whenever a note is added to that request.

Actions Button

Actions button

By pressing on the Actions button, the relevant Action options will be listed. These options will vary depending on the record that is selected and your access rights to that record.

Xurrent Connect

Xurrent Connect icon

Clicking the Xurrent Connect™ icon makes it possible to select someone and start a chat conversation, an audio call, or a video meeting with this person. Xurrent Connect allows participants of a video meeting to share their screen.

Notifications Center Icon

Notifications Center icon

The Notification Center lists the items that are currently on your watchlist. When a note has recently been added to one of your watchlist items and you have not yet seen this update, a blue dot is presented in front of this item. When there are one or more unread notes, a blue dot is also presented over the Notifications Center toolbar icon.

Time Spent Today Indicator

Time Spent Today indicator

When time tracking has been activated for an organization by means of a Timesheet Settings record, its people see the Time Spent Today button in the toolbar. This button displays the total amount of time that the user has spent on requests, problems, tasks and time allocations so far today. Every day at midnight (in the user’s time zone), this indicator starts counting again from zero.

Personal Settings

Personal Settings

When you click on the rightmost option in the toolbar, the menu items “My Profile”, “Help & Support” and “Sign Out” become available. The first can be used to update your information, preferences or password (provided single sign-on is not activated). The “Help & Support” option opens the Xurrent’s online help. Click on “Sign Out” to log out of the Xurrent service. This causes you to be logged out, even if you had checked the Remember me on this computer box on the Login page.