Xurrent Help

Broadcast Fields

The table below lists the fields of the Broadcast form and provides utilization guidelines for each field.

When 'Email' is selected as message type, a Recipients section is shown instead of a Visibility section.
Field Label Utilization Guideline

The Picture field is used to display the icon that is associated with the selected message type.

Message type

The Message type field is used to select the appropriate icon for the message. The selected icon is displayed alongside the message when the broadcast is presented.

The available options are:

  • Outage
  • Available
  • Warning
  • Information
  • Email

The Disabled box is checked when the message should not be broadcasted.


The Language field is used to select the language of the text that is entered in the Message field. The language of the message is, by default, the language of the account. Additional translations can be added for people whose language preference is different from the language of the account. When someone’s language preference is different from the language of the account and any of the message’s translations, then the message will be displayed for this person in the language of the account.

Translations can be added for a message by clicking on the Add Translation button. A translation can be removed by pressing the Remove button.


The Message field is used to enter the information that is to be broadcasted. When ‘Email’ is selected as message type, an email template should also be selected and a subject field becomes available.

This field allows basic text formatting, including hyperlinks.


The Start field is used to specify the start date and time of the broadcast. By default, this field is set to the current date and time.

If the broadcast should start at midnight at the start of a day, specify 00:00.


The End field is used to select the end date and time of the broadcast. This field is left empty when the message is to be broadcasted until the Disabled box is checked.

If the broadcast should end at midnight at the end of a day, specify 12:00am or 24:00.

If a Request group is related to the broadcast, the End field is set to the completed datetime of the grouped request as soon as that is set to completed.

Time zone

The Time zone field is used to select the time zone that applies to the dates and times specified in the Start and End fields.

Visible for

The Visible for options are used to define the target audience of the broadcast.

The available options are:

  • All people of the account – The broadcast is visible for every person of the account.
  • People covered for any of our service instances – The broadcast is visible for every person that is covered for any of the service instances that belong to the account. Keep in mind that, when a service instance is selected for which people from other accounts are covered, these people will also get to see the broadcast.
  • People covered for the following service instance(s) – Select the service instances for which the people, who are covered for them by an active SLA, need to see the broadcast. Keep in mind that, when a service instance is selected for which people from other accounts are covered, these people will also get to see the broadcast.
  • Account specialists – The broadcast is visible for all specialists in the account. When the option for the specialists of the account is selected, the message also gets broadcasted for people from other accounts who have the Specialist role of the account.
  • People of the following organization(s) and their descendants – Select the organizations which people need to see the broadcast. If any organization is defined that has a selected organization as parent organization, the people of that organization will also get to see the broadcast.
  • People of the following organization(s) – Select the organizations which people need to see the broadcast.
  • People of the following site(s) – Select the sites which people need to see the broadcast.
  • Members of the following team(s) – Select the teams which members need to see the broadcast. Keep in mind that, when a team is selected that has members from other accounts, these members will also get to see the broadcast.
  • Members of the following skill pool(s) – Select the skill pool which members need to see the broadcast. Keep in mind that, when a skill pool is selected that has members from other accounts, these members will also get to see the broadcast.
  • Account specialists in requests from the following customers – Select one or more customer organizations when the broadcast is to be displayed for the specialists of the account in requests that were received from the selected organizations. Keep in mind that, if there are people from other accounts that have the Specialist role of the account in which the broadcast is registered, these people will also get to see the broadcast when they open a request that was received from one of the selected customer organizations.
  • *Customer representatives of the following service level agreement(s) – Select the service level agreements which customer representatives need to see the broadcast.
Request group

The Request group field is used to select the request group to which end users can subscribe when they are also affected by the issue for which the broadcast was created.

This will add an I’m Also Affected button to the broadcast in Xurrent Self Service, creating a request for the end user that is placed in this request group.

Sent to

The Sent to options are used to define the target audience of the email.

The available options are:

  • *Customer representatives of the following service level agreement(s) – Select the service level agreements which customer representatives need to receive an email.