Xurrent Help

Person Fields

The table below lists the fields of the Person form and provides utilization guidelines for each field.

Field Label Utilization Guideline

The Picture field is used to add a picture of the person.

Click on the picture to enlarge it or to change it.


The Name field is used to enter the person’s name.


The VIP icon is pressed to mark or unmark the person as a very important person.

Primary email

The Primary email field is used to enter the email address to which email notifications are to be sent. This email address acts as the unique identifier for the person within the Xurrent account. This primary email address also acts as the person’s login name if he/she is a user of the Xurrent service.


The Disabled box is checked when the person may no longer be related to other records.

Job title

The Job title field is used to enter the person’s job title.

Local time

The Local time field displays the current time in the time zone selected in the person’s preferences.


The Organization field is used to select the organization for which the person works as an employee or long-term contractor.

Support ID

The Support ID field is used to enter a number or code that a service desk analyst can ask the person for when the person contacts the service desk for support.

Some organizations use the security badge numbers of their internal and external employees as support IDs. Alternatively, the employee number can be used in case of an internal employee and the contractor number if the person works for an external contractor. The customer number can be used as support ID for representatives of external customers who can contact the service desk for support.

Service desk analysts can enter support IDs in the Requester field of the Service Desk console to look up persons.

Authentication ID

The Authentication ID field may be used in Single Sign-On to uniquely identify a person within the Xurrent account in case the Identity Provider is unable to provide the primary email attribute.


The Manager field is used to select the manager or supervisor to whom the person reports.

This field is used by Xurrent to look up the approver of an approval task when it is being generated based on a task template in which the Requester’s manager box is checked. When the Manager field of the requester’s Person record is empty, or when it contains a disabled person, then Xurrent will use the person selected in the Manager field of the requester’s organization instead.


The Site field is used to select the site where the person is stationed.


The Location field is used to enter the name or number of the room, cubicle or area where the person has his/her primary work space.


The Information field is used to add any additional information about the person that might prove useful.

This field allows basic text formatting.


The Attach file… link is used to attach a file to the person record. Multiple attachments can be added to a person record.

Contact Details

The Telephone fields are used to enter the person’s work, mobile, home and fax numbers.

Skype names can also be entered in Telephone fields. Prefix Skype names with skype: or callto: to ensure that they are correctly hyperlinked in View mode.


The Email fields are used to enter the person’s work and personal email addresses.


The Chat fields are used to enter the links that can be used to start a direct chat with the person. A separate link can be entered for each chat application that the person uses.


The Website fields are used to enter the person’s work and personal website URLs (Uniform Resource Locators).


The Address fields are used to enter the home and mailing addresses of the person.

Time zone

The Time zone field is used to select the time zone in which the person normally resides.

Time format

The Time format field is used to indicate whether the person prefers to see times displayed within the Xurrent service in the 12-hour or 24-hour format.


The Language field is used to select the language preference of the person.

Auto translation

The Auto translation box is checked when the person wants notes, which are written in languages other than the ones selected in the Language and the Do not translate fields, to be translated automatically into the language selected in the Language field.

Do not translate

The Do not translate field is used to select the languages that should not be translated automatically for the person. Translations will not be offered to the person for texts in any of these languages.

Roles & Teams

The Roles table field is used to select the roles that the person needs to be able to perform within the Xurrent service.


The Teams table field is used to relate the person to the teams of which he/she is a member.

OAuth person enablement

The OAuth person enablement box is only available for person records created by an OAuth application. It is checked when the OAuth person should be mentionable, as a virtual assistant.

Configuration Items
Configuration items

The Configuration items table field lists all the configuration items to which the person is linked as a user.

Service level agreements

The Service level agreements table field lists all the service level agreements for which the person can contact the service desk for support.

Financial Details
Employee ID

The Employee ID field is used to enter the employee number that the organization by whom the person is employed has allocated to the person.

Work hours

The Work hours field is used to select a calendar that represents the work hours of the person. The holidays that are linked to the selected calendar are considered time off for the person. These work hours are used in the resource planning views to provide an overview of the person’s workload.

If this field is blank, the person’s work hours are assumed to be Monday through Friday from 9am until 5pm.

Cost per hour

The Cost per hour field is used to enter the person’s estimated total cost per work hour for the service provider organization. The value in this field should include the costs of the person’s salary (or rate in case of a long-term contractor), office space, service subscriptions, training, etc.

If the amount is entered in a currency that is different from the currency of the account, this amount is also presented in the currency of the account using the foreign exchange rate of the current date.