Xurrent Help

Project Fields

The table below lists the fields of the Project form and provides utilization guidelines for each field.

Field Label Utilization Guideline

The ID field contains the project identifier. This unique identifier is automatically generated by the application when the project is saved for the first time.


The Subject field is used to enter a short description of the objective of the project.


The Manager field is used to select the person who is responsible for coordinating the implementation of the project.


The Program field is used to indicate which program the project is a part of. A previously entered program name can be selected, or a new one can be entered.


The Service field is used to select the service for which the project will be implemented.

Service provider

The Service provider field is automatically set to the organization that is selected in the Service provider field of the related service.


The Customer field is used to select the organization for which the project is to be implemented.


The Category field is used to select the category of the project.


The Justification field is used to select the reason why the project should be considered for implementation.

Work hours

The Work hours field is used to select a calendar that defines the work hours that are to be used to calculate the anticipated assignment and completion target for the tasks of the project.

Time zone

The Time zone field is used to select the time zone that applies to the selected work hours.

Completion target

The Completion target field shows the target date and time of the last task of the project.


The Phase field is automatically set to the name of the first phase that includes one or more project tasks that have not already reached their final status.


The Status field is automatically set based on the status of the project’s tasks.

The options are:

  • Registered – The project’s tasks may not yet be executed.
  • In Progress – The project is currently being implemented.
  • Progress Halted – The completion of one or more project tasks has not gone as planned.
  • Completed – No further action will be taken on this project because of the reason specified in the Completion reason field.

All related project tasks, which had not yet reached their final status, are set to the status “Canceled” after the status of the project is manually set to “Completed”. Related tasks that had already reached their final status (i.e. the tasks with the status “Failed”, “Rejected”, “Completed”, “Approved” or “Canceled”) remain unchanged.

Completion reason

The Completion reason field is used to select the appropriate completion reason for the project when it has been completed. It is automatically set to “Complete” when all tasks related to the project have reached the status “Completed”, “Approved” or “Canceled”.

Completed at

The Completed at field is automatically set to the date and time at which the project is saved with the status “Completed”.

Risk level

The Risk level field is used to select the risk level of the project.


The Effort field is used to specify the estimated number of hours of effort that will be needed from internal employees and/or long-term contractors to implement the project.

Cost of effort

The Cost of effort field is used to specify the estimated cost of the effort that will be needed from internal employees and/or long-term contractors to implement the project.

The amount needs to be entered in the currency of the account in which the project is registered.

Cost of purchases

The Cost of purchases field is used to specify the estimated cost of all purchases (for equipment, consulting effort, licenses, etc.) needed to implement the project. Recurring costs that will be incurred following the implementation of the project are to be included for the entire ROI calculation period.

The amount needs to be entered in the currency of the account in which the project is registered.

Total costs

The Total costs field displays the total estimated cost to implement the project. This is the sum of the estimated cost of effort and cost of purchases.


The Value field is used to specify the estimated financial value that the implementation of the project will deliver for the entire ROI calculation period.

The amount needs to be entered in the currency of the account in which the project is registered.


The ROI field displays the estimated return on investment for the project. This percentage is calculated by dividing the value, minus the total costs, by the total costs and multiplying the result by 100.

Budget allocated

The Budget allocated box is checked when the project has been approved and no longer needs to be considered for funding by portfolio management.


The Risks table field lists the risks that have been identified for the project.


The Requests table field is used to link the requests, for which the project is to be implemented, to the project.

To select a completed request, enter the number (i.e. the ID) of this request.


The Problems table field is used to link the problems, for which the project is to be implemented, to the project.

To select a solved problem, enter the number (i.e. the ID) of this problem.


The Workflows table field is used to link the workflows that have been initiated to help implement the project.

To select a completed workflow, enter the number (i.e. the ID) of this workflow.


The Invoices table field lists all invoices that have been added to the project. For each invoice, this field shows the invoice date, the invoice number, a description, and the amount of the invoice. The total amount of all invoices of this project is summed up under the individual amounts.


The Notes field lists all notes that have been added to the project. For each note, this field shows the name of the person who submitted it and when this was done.


The Note field is used to provide a high-level description of the project. It is also used to add any information that could prove useful for anyone involved in the project, including the people whose approval is needed and the people who are helping to implement it.

This field allows basic text formatting.


The Attach file… link is used to attach a file to a note. Multiple attachments can be added to a note.


The Baseline field is used to select a project baseline to compare the progress of the project with the project plan as it was at the moment that the baseline was generated.

A new baseline (or snapshot) gets generated for the project each time a new phase of the project starts.

In View mode, the Baseline section displays all the fields of the project baseline that is currently selected in the project.


The Phases table field is used to add phases to the project. When adding a phase, the phases of the enabled project templates are offered for selection.

Time Entries
Time entries

The Time entries table field lists all time entries of your account that are related to the tasks of the project.