Xurrent Help

Release Fields

The table below lists the fields of the Release form and provides utilization guidelines for each field.

Field Label Utilization Guideline

The ID field contains the release identifier. This unique identifier is automatically generated by the application when the release is saved for the first time.


The Subject field is used to enter a short description of the objective of the release.


The Manager field is used to select the person who is responsible for coordinating the implementation of the release.


The Impact field shows the maximum impact level that is selected in the tasks of the workflows that are related to the release. This indicates the maximum extent to which a service instance will be impacted by the implementation of the release.

Note that a service instance is degraded when some of its non-core functionality is not working, or when the response time of the service instance is slow. A service instance is also degraded when some or all of its redundancy is no longer available (e.g. when a server of a server cluster is down) even though the use of the service instance is not affected. A service instance is down, or unavailable, when any part of its core functionality is not working.

Completion target

The Completion target field shows the target date and time of the last task of the workflows that are related to the release.


The Status field is automatically set based on the status of the release’s workflows.

The options are:

  • Registered – Work has not yet started on the release’s workflows.
  • In Progress – At least one task of category ‘Risk & Impact’, ‘Approval’ or ‘Implementation’ of the related workflows is currently being executed, and none of the related workflows has the status ‘Progress Halted’.
  • Progress Halted – The progress of one or more of the release’s workflows has been halted.
  • Completed – All of the release’s workflows have been completed.
Completion reason

The Completion reason field is automatically set based on the completion reason of the release’s workflows.

Completed at

The Completed at field is automatically set to the date and time at which the release is set to the status “Completed”.


The Workflows table field lists the workflows that have been related to the release.


The Notes field lists all notes that have been added to the release. For each note, this field shows the name of the person who submitted it and when this was done.


The Note field is used to provide a high-level description of the result that should be accomplished by the implementation of the release’s workflows. It is also used to add any information that could prove useful for anyone affected by the release.

This field allows basic text formatting.


The Attach file… link is used to attach a file to a note. Multiple attachments can be added to a note.

Time Entries
Time entries

The Time entries table field lists all Time entries of your account that are related to the tasks of the release’s workflows.