Xurrent Help

Sprint Fields

The table below lists the fields of the Sprint form and provides utilization guidelines for each field.

Field Label Utilization Guideline

The Number field is used to enter the sequence number of the sprint. It can only be changed for the initial sprint of a scrum workspace, subsequent sprints will be given sequential numbers automatically.


The Start field is used to select the planned start date of a registered sprint. Once a sprint is started (i.e. its status is active) it is filled with the actual date and time the sprint was started.


The End field is used to select the planned end date of a registered sprint. For active sprints the field contains the expected date and time the sprint will be finished. Once a sprint is finished (i.e. its status is completed) it is filled with the actual date and time the sprint was finished.


The Description field is used to add any additional information, such as the sprint goal.

This field allows basic text formatting.