Xurrent Help

Project Task Fields

The table below lists the fields of the Project Task form and provides utilization guidelines for each field.

Field Label Utilization Guideline

The ID field contains the project task identifier. This unique identifier is automatically generated by the application when the project task is saved for the first time.


The Subject field is used to enter a short description of the objective of the project task.


The Project field shows the ID and subject of the project to which the project task belongs.


The Requests table field lists the requests that are linked to the project to which the project task belongs.


The Problems table field lists the problems that are linked to the project to which the project task belongs.


The Manager field shows the person who is selected in the Manager field of the project that this project task belongs to.


The Category field is used to select the category of the project task. Activity tasks are used to assign project-related work to people. Approval tasks are used to collect approvals for projects. Milestones are used to mark specific points along a project’s implementation plan.


The Phase field is used to select the phase of the project to which the project task belongs.


The Team field is used to select the team to which the project task is to be assigned. If a team is selected in this field, the project task can only be assigned to members of this team.

Skill pool

The Skill pool field is used to select the skill pool to which member(s) the project task is to be assigned. If a skill pool is selected in this field and the category is “Activity”, then the project task can only be assigned to members of this skill pool. If the category is “Approval” and a skill pool is selected, then the project task is automatically assigned to all members of the skill pool when the status is updated from “Registered” to “Assigned”.


The Assignees field is used to select the people to whom the project task is to be assigned.

Planned effort

The Planned effort field is available for each assignee. This field is used to specify how much time the person is expected to spend working on the project task.

Required approvals

The Required approvals field is used to specify the number of assignees who need to have provided their approval before the status of the project task gets updated to “Approved”.

The Required approvals field is available only if the category of the project task is “Approval”.

Remaining approvals

The Remaining approvals field indicates the number of assignees who still need to provided their approval before the status of the project task gets updated to “Approved”.

The Remaining approvals field is available only if the category of the project task is “Approval”.

Project summary

The Project summary field provides a link to the most recent Project Summary PDF (Portable Document Format) file that was generated for the approver.

This field is available for the assignees after the project task has been assigned.


The Supplier field is used to select the supplier organization that has been asked to assist with the completion of the project task.

Supplier request ID

The Supplier request ID field is used to enter the identifier under which the request to help with the execution of the project task has been registered at the supplier organization.

If the supplier provided a link to the request, enter its URL in this field.

Anticipated assignment

The Anticipated assignment field shows the date and time at which the project task is currently expected to be assigned.

This field’s value is automatically set to the latest completion target of the project task’s predecessors. This field is hidden after the project task has been assigned.


The Assigned field is automatically set to the current date and time when the project task is assigned.

Planned duration

The Planned duration field is used to enter the time it is expected to take for the project task to be completed following its assignment, or following its fixed start date and time if the Start no earlier than field is filled out.

Work hours are 24x7

The Work hours are 24x7 box is checked when a 24×7 work hours calendar (without any holidays) is to be used for calculating the completion target of the project task.

Start no earlier than

The Start no earlier than field is only used when work on the project task may not start before a specific date and time.

Completion target

The Completion target field shows the date and time at which the project task is expected to be completed.

This field’s value is automatically calculated by adding the planned duration to the value specified in the Start no earlier than field. If the Start no earlier than field is empty, however, the completion target is automatically calculated based on the moment the project task was assigned plus the planned duration, taking into account the work hours of the project. If the Start no earlier than field is empty and the project task has not yet been assigned, the completion target is automatically calculated based on the project task’s anticipated assignment plus the planned duration, taking into account the work hours of the project.

This field is hidden after the project task has been completed.


The Deadline field is used to specify the date and time at which the milestone needs to have been reached. This field is set automatically to the greatest completion target of the milestone’s predecessors when it is empty and the status of the phase to which the milestone belongs is set to ‘In Progress’.

The Deadline field is available only if the category of the project task is “Milestone”.


The Status field is used to select the current status of the project task.

The available options are:

  • Registered – The project task should not yet be executed.
  • Assigned – The execution of the project task can start, unless it should not be executed before a specific date and time specified in the Start no earlier than field.
  • Accepted – The project task will be executed as soon as the assignee to whom it has been assigned is ready to start working on it.
  • In Progress – The project task is currently being worked on.
  • Waiting for… – It is temporarily not possible to make any further progress in the execution of the project task. The reason for this is specified in the Notes field.
  • Failed – The objective of the activity task cannot be achieved.
  • Rejected – A person to whom the approval task was assigned has decided not to provide approval.
  • Completed – The activity task has been executed successfully.
  • Approved – The required number of approvals has been provided by the approvers of the approval task.
  • Canceled – The project task should not be completed (e.g. because the project has been rejected, or the task was generated by a project template but does not apply to this specific project).
Waiting until

The Waiting until field is used to specify the date and time at which the status of the project task is to be updated from “Waiting for…” to “Assigned”.

This field is available only when the Status field is set to “Waiting for…”.

Time spent

The Time spent field is used to enter the time that you have spent working on the project task since you started to work on it or, if you already entered some time for this task, since you last added your time spent in it.

Effort class

The Effort class field is used to select the effort class that best reflects the type of effort for which time spent is being registered. This field becomes available only after a value has been entered in the Time spent field and the person who entered the time spent belongs to an organization that makes use of a timesheet settings in which assignment time tracking is activated and to which two or more effort classes have been linked.

Remaining effort

The Remaining effort field is used to enter the time that you still expect to spend working on the project task in order to complete it. By default, the remaining effort is calculated to be the planned effort, minus the time that you have already spent on the project task.


The Finished field is automatically set to the date and time at which the project task is saved with the status “Failed”, “Rejected”, “Completed”, “Approved” or “Canceled”.


The Predecessors table field lists the other tasks of the project that need to have been completed or canceled before the status of the project task will be changed to “Assigned”.


The Successors table field lists the other tasks of the project that may not be assigned until the project task has been completed or canceled.


The Instructions field is used to provide instructions for the person(s) to whom the project task will be assigned.

This field allows basic text formatting.


The Notes field lists all notes that have been added to the project task. For each note, this field shows the name of the person who submitted it and when this was done.


The Note field is used to provide information for the person to whom the project task is assigned. It is also used to provide a summary of the actions that have been taken to date and the results of these actions.

This field allows basic text formatting.

Copy note to project

When the Copy note to project box is checked, the note (including its attachments, if any) will not only be added to the project task, but also to the project that the task is a part of.


The Attach file… link is used to attach a file to a note. Multiple attachments can be added to a note.


The Baseline section displays the fields of the project task’s baseline that is part of the project baseline that is currently selected in the project that the project task is a part of.

Time Entries
Time entries

The Time entries table field lists all time entries of your account that have been generated for the project task after it was saved with a value in its Time spent field. The time entries are grouped by Person.