Xurrent Help

Request Template Fields

The table below lists the fields of the Request Template form and provides utilization guidelines for each field.

Field Label Utilization Guideline

The Subject field is used to enter a short description that needs to be copied to the Subject field of a new request when it is being created based on the template.


The Disabled box is checked when the request template may not be applied.

Copy subject to requests

The Copy subject to requests box is checked when the subject of the request template needs to become the subject of a request when the template is applied to this request, provided that the Subject field of this request is empty.


The Service field is used to select the service for which the request template is made available.

Service provider

The Service provider field is automatically set to the organization that is selected in the Service provider field of the related service.

End users

The End users box is checked to give people the ability to submit a new request based on the request template in Xurrent Self Service.


The Specialists box is checked to make the request template available in the Service Desk Console and the Service Hierarchy Browser so that it can be applied to new and existing requests.

Note: When neither the End users nor the Specialists boxes are checked, the request template can be applied only by means of the Xurrent REST API and only by a person who has the Specialist role of the template’s account or an account that is covered by an active SLA for the service to which the template is linked.


The Keywords field is used to add words that are not included in the service name, subject, registration hints or note of the request template.
The keywords that are added allow users to find the request template when they execute a search using these words.

Registration hints

The Registration hints field is used to enter the information that needs to be displayed after the template has been applied to a new or existing request. This field typically contains step-by-step instructions about how to complete the registration of a request that is based on the template. The registration hints are no longer visible after the request has been saved.

This field allows basic text formatting.


The Instructions field is used to enter instructions for the support staff who will work on requests that are based on the template. These instructions remain available in such requests. Visibility to the instructions is limited to people who have the Auditor, Specialist or Account Administrator role of the account of the request template.

This field allows basic text formatting.


The Note field is used to enter the information that needs to be copied to the Note field of a request to which the template is applied.

This field allows basic text formatting.

UI extension

The UI extension field is used to select the UI extension that is to be added to a request when the template is applied to it.


The Category field is used to select the category that needs to be selected in the Category field of a request to which the template is applied.


The Impact field is used to select the impact level that needs to be selected in the Impact field of a request to which the template is applied.

Note that an impact level indicates the extent to which a service instance is impacted. A service instance is degraded when some of its non-core functionality is not working, or when the response time of the service instance is slow. A service instance is also degraded when some or all of its redundancy is no longer available (e.g. when a server of a server cluster is down) even though the use of the service instance is not affected. A service instance is down, or unavailable, when any part of its core functionality is not working.

Configuration item

The Configuration item field is used to select the CI that needs to be copied to the Configuration item field of a request to which the template is applied.

As long as no CIs have been registered, this field remains hidden.

Asset selection

The Asset selection box is checked when, after selecting the request template in Self Service, the user needs to be able to select a configuration item in the Asset field.

The person who is submitting the request in Self Service can only select the CIs that are part of a service instance that the person for whom the request is being submitted is covered for by an active SLA. If a service instance is already selected, then only the CIs of this service instance can be selected. The list of CI options of the Asset field is further limited to the ones that the person, for whom the request is being submitted, is linked to as a user, or which are not linked to any users.

Reservation offerings

The Reservation offerings field is available when the category ‘Reservation’ is selected. This field is used to link one or more reservation offerings to the request template. The request template is available for people who are covered by an SLA for the service instance related to one of the selected reservation offerings, provided that the visibility options allow them to see it.

Workflow template

The Workflow template field is used to relate a workflow template to the request template.

After a request template that is linked to a workflow template has been applied to a request, the workflow template is used to generate a new workflow. The new workflow is automatically related to the request.

This field is available when a service is related to the request template and there is at least one workflow template with values in its Justification and Type fields available for the selected service. It is also available when a service is related to the request template and there is at least one workflow template with values in its Justification and Type fields available that is not linked to a service.


The Team field is used to select the team that should be selected in the Team field of a request to which the template is applied.


The Member field is used to select the person who should be selected in the Member field of a request to which the template is applied.

Assign to self

The Assign to self box is checked to ensure that the person who is applying the template is selected in the Member field of the request to which the template is applied.


The Supplier field is used to select the supplier organization that should be selected in the Supplier field of a request to which the template is applied.

Only use this field if requests that are based on the template should be assigned to an organization with which an Xurrent trust relation has not (yet) been established.

Planned effort

The Planned effort field is used to provide an estimate of the effort needed to resolve the request.

Workflow manager

The Workflow manager field is used to select the workflow manager who should be selected in the Member field of a request to which the template is applied. If the Workflow manager field is empty, then the change manager of the service that is related to the request template will be selected instead.

This same person will also be selected as the manager of the new workflow that gets generated based on the workflow template that is linked to the request template after a request, to which the request template has been applied, is saved.

This field is available only when the Status field is set to “Workflow Pending”.

Desired Completion
Desired completion

The Desired completion field is used to enter the number of hours and minutes within which requests that are based on the request template are to be resolved.

Support hours

The Support hours field is used to select a calendar that is to be used to calculate the desired completion for requests that are based on the request template.

Time zone

The Time zone field is used to select the time zone that applies to the selected support hours.

Mark as urgent

The Mark as urgent box is checked when a new request that is created based on the template is to be marked as urgent.


The Status field is used to select the status value that needs to be selected in the Status field of a request to which the template is applied.

Note that the status “Workflow Pending” is available only when one or more workflow templates are available for the selected service.

Completion reason

The Completion reason field is used to select the completion reason that needs to be selected in the Completion reason field of a request to which the template is applied.

Default effort class

The Default effort class field is used to select one of the effort classes that have been made available in the account of the request template or in its directory account. When a default effort class is selected in the request template, this effort class will be selected by default in the Effort class field of a request when the request template is applied to it, provided that the person who is registering or updating the request belongs to an organization that makes use of a timesheet settings that includes this effort class.

Standard Service Requests
Service offering

The Service offering field is used to relate a service offering to the request template. Only the service offerings that are linked to the same service as the request template can be selected.

After a request template has been linked to one or more service offerings, it can no longer be applied to a request unless the requester is covered by an SLA that is based on a service offering to which the request template is linked.

Response target

The Response target field is used to enter the number of hours and minutes or business days within which a response needs to have been provided for a request to which the request template has been applied and which requester is covered by an SLA that is based on the service offering.

Resolution target

The Resolution target field is used to enter the number of hours and minutes or business days within which a request needs to have been completed when the request template has been applied to the request and the requester is covered by an SLA that is based on the service offering.

Support hours

The Support hours field is used to select a calendar that defines the support hours for a request to which the request template has been applied and which requester is covered by an SLA that is based on the service offering.