Xurrent Help

Service Offering Fields

The table below lists the fields of the Service Offering form and provides utilization guidelines for each field.

Field Label Utilization Guideline

The Name field is used to enter the name of the service offering using the following syntax:

[Level] [Service]


  • Premium Enterprise Resource Planning (SAP)
  • Standard Email
  • Gold Customer Relationship Management

The Status field is used to select the current status of the service offering.

The available options are:

  • Planned – The service offering is not yet available for subscription.
  • Unpublished – The service offering was prepared to satisfy the specific requirements of one customer, or to allow the registration of an SLA of a service provider with which an Xurrent trust relation has not (yet) been established. The service offering is not available for subscription by other customers.
  • Available – The service offering is available for subscription by customers.
  • Temporarily Unavailable – The service offering is currently not available for subscription by customers. It is expected to become available again in the future.
  • Discontinued – The service offering is no longer available for subscription by customers. It is not expected to become available again.

The Service field is used to select the service for which the service offering is being prepared.

Service provider

The Service provider field is automatically set to the organization that is selected in the Service provider field of the related service.


The Summary field is used to enter a high-level description of the differentiators between this service offering and other service offerings that have already been, or could be, prepared for the same service.


The Premium Email service offering provides 24×7 support and complete data center infrastructure redundancy for instant fail-over in case of a disaster at one of the data centers.

This field allows basic text formatting.


The Attach file… link is used to attach a file to the service offering. Multiple attachments can be added to a service offering.

Service hours

The Service hours field is used to select a calendar that defines the hours during which the service is supposed to be available.

Time zone

The Time zone field is used to select the time zone that applies to the selected service hours.

Availability (%)

The Availability field is used to specify the duration, expressed as percentage of the total number of service hours, during which the service is to be available to customers with an active SLA that is based on the service offering.

Note that the service is considered to be unavailable, or down, when any part of its core functionality is not working for two or more of the customer’s users due to the same incident.

A service’s availability is assessed on a monthly basis.

Reliability (outages / month)

The Reliability field is used to specify the maximum number of times per month that the service may become unavailable to customers with an active SLA that is based on the service offering.


The Follow-up field is used to select the waiting for customer follow-up scheme that should be used when customers should be reminded that a request has been in waiting for customer for a number of days.


The Performance field is used to describe the transaction(s) and the maximum time these transaction(s) can take to complete.

The transaction of a user logging on to the service (the reference transaction) is not to take longer than 60 seconds.

This field allows basic text formatting.

Response and Resolution Targets
Responses within target (%)

The Responses within target field is used to enter the minimum percentage of incidents that is to be responded to before their response target.

Resolutions within target (%)

The Resolutions within target field is used to enter the minimum percentage of incidents that is to be resolved before their resolution target.

Low – Service Degraded for One User
Response target

This Response target field is used to enter the number of hours and minutes or business days within which an incident with the impact “Low – Service Degraded for One User” is to be responded to when it affects an active SLA that is based on the service offering. A request is considered responded to when its status is or has been “In Progress”.

Resolution target

This Resolution target field is used to enter the number of hours and minutes or business days within which a request with the impact value “Low – Service Degraded for One User” is to be resolved when it affects an active SLA that is based on the service offering.

Support hours

This Support hours field is used to select a calendar that defines the support hours for a request with the impact “Low – Service Degraded for One User” when it affects an active SLA that is based on the service offering.

Notification Scheme

This Notification Scheme field is used to select the Sla Notification Scheme that should be related to a request with the impact value “Low – Service Degraded for One User”. This will notify people when specific thresholds of the resolution target have been reached.

Medium – Service Down for One User
Response target

This Response target field is used to enter the number of hours and minutes or business days within which an incident with the impact “Medium – Service Down for One User” is to be responded to when it affects an active SLA that is based on the service offering. A request is considered responded to when its status is or has been “In Progress”.

Resolution target

This Resolution target field is used to enter the number of hours and minutes or business days within which a request with the impact value “Medium – Service Down for One User” is to be resolved when it affects an active SLA that is based on the service offering.

Support hours

This Support hours field is used to select a calendar that defines the support hours for a request with the impact “Medium – Service Down for One User” when it affects an active SLA that is based on the service offering.

Notification Scheme

This Notification Scheme field is used to select the Sla Notification Scheme that should be related to a request with the impact value “Medium – Service Down for One User”. This will notify people when specific thresholds of the resolution target have been reached.

High – Service Degraded for Several Users
Response target

This Response target field is used to enter the number of hours and minutes or business days within which an incident with the impact “High – Service Degraded for Several Users” is to be responded to when it affects an active SLA that is based on the service offering. A request is considered responded to when its status is or has been “In Progress”.

Resolution target

This Resolution target field is used to enter the number of hours and minutes or business days within which a request with the impact value “High – Service Degraded for Several Users” is to be resolved when it affects an active SLA that is based on the service offering.

Support hours

This Support hours field is used to select a calendar that defines the support hours for a request with the impact “High – Service Degraded for Several Users” when it affects an active SLA that is based on the service offering.

Notification Scheme

This Notification Scheme field is used to select the Sla Notification Scheme that should be related to a request with the impact value “High – Service Degraded for Several Users”. This will notify people when specific thresholds of the resolution target have been reached.

Top – Service Down for Several Users
Response target

This Response target field is used to enter the number of hours and minutes or business days within which an incident with the impact “Top – Service Down for Several Users” is to be responded to when it affects an active SLA that is based on the service offering. A request is considered responded to when its status is or has been “In Progress”.

Resolution target

This Resolution target field is used to enter the number of hours and minutes or business days within which a request with the impact value “Top – Service Down for Several Users” is to be resolved when it affects an active SLA that is based on the service offering.

Support hours

This Support hours field is used to select a calendar that defines the support hours for a request with the impact “Top – Service Down for Several Users” when it affects an active SLA that is based on the service offering.

Notification Scheme

This Notification Scheme field is used to select the Sla Notification Scheme that should be related to a request with the impact value “Top – Service Down for Several Users”. This will notify people when specific thresholds of the resolution target have been reached.

RFC – Request for Change
Response target

This Response target field is used to enter the number of hours and minutes or business days within which a request with the category “RFC – Request for Change” is to be responded to when it affects an active SLA that is based on the service offering. A request is considered responded to when its status is or has been “In Progress”.

Resolution target

This Resolution target field is used to enter the number of hours and minutes or business days within which a request with the category “RFC – Request for Change” is to be resolved when it affects an active SLA that is based on the service offering.

Support hours

This Support hours field is used to select a calendar that defines the support hours for a request with the category “RFC – Request for Change” when it affects an active SLA that is based on the service offering.

RFI – Request for Information
Response target

This Response target field is used to enter the number of hours and minutes or business days within which a request with the category “RFI – Request for Information” is to be responded to when it affects an active SLA that is based on the service offering. A request is considered responded to when its status is or has been “In Progress”.

Resolution target

This Resolution target field is used to enter the number of hours and minutes or business days within which a request with the category “RFI – Request for Information” is to be resolved when it affects an active SLA that is based on the service offering.

Support hours

This Support hours field is used to select a calendar that defines the support hours for a request with the category “RFI – Request for Information” when it affects an active SLA that is based on the service offering.

Standard Service Requests
Request template

The Request template field is used to relate a request template to the service offering. Only the request templates that are linked to the same service as the service offering can be selected.

After a request template has been linked to one or more service offerings, it can no longer be applied to a request unless the requester is covered by an SLA that is based on a service offering to which the request template is linked.

Response target

This Response target field is used to enter the number of hours and minutes or business days within which a response needs to have been provided for a request to which the request template has been applied and which requester is covered by an SLA that is based on the service offering. A request is considered responded to when its status is or has been “In Progress”.

Resolution target

This Resolution target field is used to enter the number of hours and minutes or business days within which a request needs to have been completed when the request template has been applied to the request and the requester is covered by an SLA that is based on the service offering.

Support hours

This Support hours field is used to select a calendar that defines the support hours for a request to which the request template has been applied and which requester is covered by an SLA that is based on the service offering.

Effort Classes
Effort classes

The Effort classes field is used to select the effort classes that need to be available for selection when people, who work on a service instance related to this service offering by means of an SLA, register their time.

Default effort class

The Default effort class field is used to select one of the effort classes that has been related to the service offering. The selected effort class will be the default value of a request’s Effort class field after someone who worked on a service instance related to this service offering by means of an SLA, enters a value in the request’s Time spent field.

Recovery time objective

The Recovery time objective (RTO) field is used to specify the targeted duration of time within which the service must be restored after a disruption or disaster for customers covered by an SLA that is based on the service offering.

Recovery point objective

The Recovery point objective (RPO) field is used to specify the maximum targeted period in which data transactions might be lost from the service due to a service disruption or disaster for customers covered by an SLA that is based on the service offering.

Continuity measures

The Continuity measures field is used to describe the measures that are in place to help with the recovery of the service in case of a disruption or disaster.

This field allows basic text formatting.


The Prerequisites field is used to specify which requirements need to be met by the customer in order for the customer to be able to benefit from the service. The service provider cannot be held accountable for breaches of the service level targets caused by a failure of the customer to meet one or more of these prerequisites.

This field allows basic text formatting.


The Limitations field is used to specify the limitations that apply to the service level agreements that are based on the service offering.

The service provider can be held accountable for the service level targets up to a capacity limit of 50 concurrent users or 100 GB of data stored in the database.

This field allows basic text formatting.

Report frequency

The Report frequency field is used to specify how often the representative of a customer of an active SLA that is based on the service offering will receive a report comparing the service level targets specified in the service offering with the actual level of service provided.

Review frequency

The Review frequency field is used to specify how often an active SLA that is based on the service offering will be reviewed with the representative of its customer.


The Charges field is used to describe the amount that the service provider will charge the customer for the delivery of the service per charge driver, per charge term.

Examples of charge drivers:

  • User
  • Transaction
  • Gigabyte

Examples of charge terms:

  • Monthly
  • Quarterly
  • Twice Yearly
  • Yearly

Apart from a description of the recurring charges, this field is also used to describe any one-off charges (e.g. initial set-up fees).

In addition, information is normally added in this field to explain how changes in the charges are handled.

The service provider organization is required to notify customer organizations with an active service level agreement based on this service offering of any charge adjustments at least four months before the new charges become effective.

This field allows basic text formatting.


The Penalties field is used to specify what the penalties will be for the service provider organization if a service level target has been breached.


  • During each service level agreement (SLA) review meeting, special attention will be paid to service level targets (SLTs) that were breached during the past SLA evaluation term. For each SLT that was breached, the service level manager will present the actions that the service provider organization has taken, or will take, to ensure that the SLT will not be breached again.
  • In case one or more SLTs were breached during the past SLA evaluation term, the service provider organization will credit the customer 50% of the SLA’s service consumption charges for that evaluation term.

This field allows basic text formatting.


The Termination field is used to describe the length of notice required for changing or terminating the service level agreement.

Any service level agreement based this service offering remains into effect until either the customer or the service provider organization terminates it, taking into account a twelve-month termination period.

Customer organizations may also terminate their service level agreements based on this service offering on the date that a charge change announced by the service provider organization becomes effective, taking into account a one-month termination period.

This field allows basic text formatting.

Financial Details
Standard Service Request Activity Rates
Charge type

The Charge type field is used to specify whether this activity should be charged Fixed Price or Time & Material. A Time & Material charge is calculated by multiplying each time entry with the hourly rate of the related effort class.


The Rate field is shown when the Charge type is Fixed Price. It is the rate that should be charged for completing the related request.

Activity Rates
Charge type

The Charge type field is used to specify whether this activity should be charged Fixed Price or Time & Material, or whether the activity is already included in the service charge. A Time & Material charge is calculated by multiplying each time entry with the hourly rate of the related effort class.


The Rate field is shown when the Charge type is Fixed Price. It is the rate that should be charged for completing the related request.

Effort Class Rates
Effort class

The Effort class field is used to specify the effort class for which a rate is to be defined.


The Rate field is used to define the hourly rate associated with the effort class.

Service Level Agreements
Service level agreements

The Service level agreements table field lists the SLAs that have been based on the service offering.